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HELP? We’ve been having TREMENDOUS trouble translating the legal documents. So I put together a table of some terms we keep running across, terms that are not found in the dictionaries. If any of these definitions are wrong, please let me know. Thanks!!!

A.P.E. Associazione Periti e Esperti = Association of Appraisers and Experts
articolata provata formal interrogatories
associante directing party
associato contributing party
atto writ
attore e convenuto plaintiff and defendant
bis reprise
C.C.I.A.A. Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato ed Agricoltura = Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture
Camp. Pen. Campione Penale = Numero di Ruolo = Criminal Case Number
c.m. corrente mese = current month
Codice fiscale Tax ID
comparente appearing in court
contradittorio cross-examination
c.p.c. codice di procedura civile = Code of Civil Procedure
c.p.p. codice processuale penale = Code of Criminal Procedure
cpv capoverso = paragraph
c.s. come sopra = as above
dedotta submitted to the court / brought into justice / made a case of
D.M. Decreto Ministeriale = Ministerial Decree
DPR Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica = Decree of the President of the Republic
eccezione plea
G.I. Giudice Istruttoria = Examining Judge
Giudice Rel. Giudice Relatore = Reporting Judge
giudizio direttissimo expedited judgment
IVA Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto = Value-Added Tax = VAT
la diffidente the litigant / the complainant
MINCOMES Ministero del Commercio Internazionale = Ministry of International Commerce
n.d.e. nota del editore / nota del escrivente = [in English we just use square brackets]
nel suo tempo in due course / at a given moment
nomofilachia nomophylacia = the duty of the Supreme Court of Cassation to ensure the precision and uniformity of the law
norma valutaria currency-exchange regulation
p.c. per conoscenza = carbon copy
P.G. Polizia Giudiziaria = Judicial Police
P.I. Partita IVA = VAT Number
P.le Piazzale = Plaza
P.M. Polizia Militare = Military Police
P.M. Pubblico Ministero = Public Prosecutor
P.Q.M. Per Questi Motivi = For these reasons
presentazione preview (trailer)
procedimenti cautelari conservatory proceedings = summary proceedings
Procuratore Generale CAO or General Manager
Procuratore Generale [alle liti] = Attorney [vested with general powers for legal proceedings]
(Procuratore Generale literally means Attorney General, but that’s not how it’s used in most of these documents)
p.v. prossimo venturo = by next = by (“30 aprile p.v.” = “by April 30th”)
rapporto dedotto in giudizio report submitted as a pleading in the case
R.A. Ritenuta di acconto = withholding tax
R.G. Registro Generale = Docket Number
Reg. Soc. Trib. Roma Court of Rome Company Registry
riconvenzionale cross-claim
S.A.C.C. Sezione Autonoma per il Credito Cinematografico = Autonomous Section for Cinematographic Credit
S.p.A. Società per Azioni = Joint-Stock Company = JSC
S.r.l. Società a responsabilità limitata = Limited-Liability Company = LLC
S.V. Signoria Vostra = Your Honor
se ne strafrega strafregarsene = emphatic of fregarsene = laugh at / despise / care / does not care
(Chi se ne strafrega? = Who cares?; but: Me ne strafrego = I don’t care)
Società inquadrata Incorporated Company
TAR Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale = Regional Administrative Court
tuziorismo Tutiorism is effectively the same thing as Pascal’s Wager. Legally it means the belief that replying to a charge and/or appearing in court is the safest course of action
u.s. ultimo scorso = past [as in the past week, the past month, etc]
utile profit
Visto per il deposito tardivo Viewed for late filing
V° per autentica Visto per autentica = Confirmed as a true copy
Aff. Affaire = Case
a forfait lump sum / flat rate
assigner au fond to summon for a substantive examination
C/ contre = versus = v
chose jugée res judicata
code affaire case reference
délais d’appel time for appeal [literally, call time]
NCPC Nouveau Code de Procédure Civile = New Civil-Procedure Code
P.J. Pièce Joint = Enclosure; Pièces Joints = Enclosures
SACEM Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique = Society of Music Authors, Composers and Publishers
saisie conservatoire interim seizure
S.C.P. Société Civile Professionnelle = Professional Civil Partnership
Société Anonyme Limited Company
Ste. Société = company
ad usum delphini for the use of the Dauphin
(today, this expression is used in a pejorative way to indicate a work expurgated in order to be put into all hands)
cessio legis legal assignment
contrariis reiectis dismiss the opposing party’s submissions
erga omnes towards everyone = rights or obligations owed towards all
ex adverso opposing party
ex tunc from the outset
fumus boni iuris smoke of a good right = presumption of sufficient legal basis
hinc et inde from both sides
in limine litis at the start of the procedure
in re in the matter of
in solidum jointly and severally (literally in total or on the whole)
lucrum cessans literally profits given up or cessant gain = opportunity cost — the lender claims the same investment return as the rival’s
per tabulas in forza degli atti scritti = based on the documents provided
ratio the reason
ratione loci because of the place involved
Salvis iuribus Without prejudice (without dismissing, damaging, or otherwise affecting a legal interest or demand)
tamquam non esset as if they did not exist
utiliter data successfully given
vocatio in ius summons to stand trial

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