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HELP? Weve been having TREMENDOUS trouble translating the legal documents. So I put together a table of some terms we keep running across, terms that are not found in the dictionaries. If any of these definitions are wrong, please let me know. Thanks!!! |
A.P.E. | Associazione Periti e Esperti = Association of Appraisers and Experts |
articolata provata | formal interrogatories |
associante | directing party |
associato | contributing party |
atto | writ |
attore e convenuto | plaintiff and defendant |
bis | reprise |
C.C.I.A.A. | Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato ed Agricoltura = Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture |
Camp. Pen. | Campione Penale = Numero di Ruolo = Criminal Case Number |
c.m. | corrente mese = current month |
Codice fiscale | Tax ID |
comparente | appearing in court |
contradittorio | cross-examination |
c.p.c. | codice di procedura civile = Code of Civil Procedure |
c.p.p. | codice processuale penale = Code of Criminal Procedure |
cpv | capoverso = paragraph |
c.s. | come sopra = as above |
dedotta | submitted to the court / brought into justice / made a case of |
D.M. | Decreto Ministeriale = Ministerial Decree |
DPR | Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica = Decree of the President of the Republic |
eccezione | plea |
G.I. | Giudice Istruttoria = Examining Judge |
Giudice Rel. | Giudice Relatore = Reporting Judge |
giudizio direttissimo | expedited judgment |
IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto = Value-Added Tax = VAT |
la diffidente | the litigant / the complainant |
MINCOMES | Ministero del Commercio Internazionale = Ministry of International Commerce |
n.d.e. | nota del editore / nota del escrivente = [in English we just use square brackets] |
nel suo tempo | in due course / at a given moment |
nomofilachia | nomophylacia = the duty of the Supreme Court of Cassation to ensure the precision and uniformity of the law |
norma valutaria | currency-exchange regulation |
p.c. | per conoscenza = carbon copy |
P.G. | Polizia Giudiziaria = Judicial Police |
P.I. | Partita IVA = VAT Number |
P.le | Piazzale = Plaza |
P.M. | Polizia Militare = Military Police |
P.M. | Pubblico Ministero = Public Prosecutor |
P.Q.M. | Per Questi Motivi = For these reasons |
presentazione | preview (trailer) |
procedimenti cautelari | conservatory proceedings = summary proceedings |
Procuratore Generale | CAO or General Manager Procuratore Generale [alle liti] = Attorney [vested with general powers for legal proceedings] (Procuratore Generale literally means Attorney General, but thats not how its used in most of these documents) |
p.v. | prossimo venturo = by next = by (30 aprile p.v. = by April 30th) |
rapporto dedotto in giudizio | report submitted as a pleading in the case |
R.A. | Ritenuta di acconto = withholding tax |
R.G. | Registro Generale = Docket Number |
Reg. Soc. Trib. Roma | Court of Rome Company Registry |
riconvenzionale | cross-claim |
S.A.C.C. | Sezione Autonoma per il Credito Cinematografico = Autonomous Section for Cinematographic Credit |
S.p.A. | Società per Azioni = Joint-Stock Company = JSC |
S.r.l. | Società a responsabilità limitata = Limited-Liability Company = LLC |
S.V. | Signoria Vostra = Your Honor |
se ne strafrega | strafregarsene = emphatic of fregarsene = laugh at / despise / care / does not care (Chi se ne strafrega? = Who cares?; but: Me ne strafrego = I dont care) |
Società inquadrata | Incorporated Company |
TAR | Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale = Regional Administrative Court |
tuziorismo | Tutiorism is effectively the same thing as Pascals Wager. Legally it means the belief that replying to a charge and/or appearing in court is the safest course of action |
u.s. | ultimo scorso = past [as in the past week, the past month, etc] |
utile | profit |
Visto per il deposito tardivo | Viewed for late filing |
V° per autentica | Visto per autentica = Confirmed as a true copy |
Aff. | Affaire = Case |
a forfait | lump sum / flat rate |
assigner au fond | to summon for a substantive examination |
C/ | contre = versus = v |
chose jugée | res judicata |
code affaire | case reference |
délais dappel | time for appeal [literally, call time] |
NCPC | Nouveau Code de Procédure Civile = New Civil-Procedure Code |
P.J. | Pièce Joint = Enclosure; Pièces Joints = Enclosures |
SACEM | Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique = Society of Music Authors, Composers and Publishers |
saisie conservatoire | interim seizure |
S.C.P. | Société Civile Professionnelle = Professional Civil Partnership |
Société Anonyme | Limited Company |
Ste. | Société = company |
ad usum delphini | for the use of the Dauphin (today, this expression is used in a pejorative way to indicate a work expurgated in order to be put into all hands) |
cessio legis | legal assignment |
contrariis reiectis | dismiss the opposing partys submissions |
erga omnes | towards everyone = rights or obligations owed towards all |
ex adverso | opposing party |
ex tunc | from the outset |
fumus boni iuris | smoke of a good right = presumption of sufficient legal basis |
hinc et inde | from both sides |
in limine litis | at the start of the procedure |
in re | in the matter of |
in solidum | jointly and severally (literally in total or on the whole) |
lucrum cessans | literally profits given up or cessant gain = opportunity cost the lender claims the same investment return as the rivals |
per tabulas | in forza degli atti scritti = based on the documents provided |
ratio | the reason |
ratione loci | because of the place involved |
Salvis iuribus | Without prejudice (without dismissing, damaging, or otherwise affecting a legal interest or demand) |
tamquam non esset | as if they did not exist |
utiliter data | successfully given |
vocatio in ius | summons to stand trial |