The first publication of the bizarre novelization authored by William Pseudonym.
Its surprising that a mainstream publisher would issue a book with such sexually extreme passages.
Yet as we shall see, several other mainstream publishers followed suit.
Gore Vidal got quite hot under the collar when he discovered the novelization, and who can blame him?
He sued, and the matter was settled out of court on 31 May 1979, though with so many loopholes and missing signatories
that Im surprised anybody agreed to the settlement.
The result was the edition below, which was essentially the same but which deleted every mention of Gore Vidal.
Incidentally, used copies of the above edition are currently on Amazon.com,
going for prices ranging between $3.12 and $999.99. Why? |

I have seen only three copies of this book.
The copyright page indicates that this is the second press run of the first edition, but as you can see the ISBN is different.
So something is very strange. A second press run of a first edition should not have a different ISBN.
But since the title is different, this should be a first press run of a second edition. Oy.
Considering that the back cover mentions Analysis Film Releasing Corporation, this press run could not have been created prior to February 1980.
I just did some Internet searches on the ISBN and it comes up as INVALID.
So I wonder if this press run of the paperback was a rejected edition,
and if the copy I found on the Recent Arrivals shelf
at Jerry Lanes Book Stop at Nob Hill in Albuquerque way back in 1980 or thereabouts
was a rogue copy that should never have been released to the public. Maybe?
Apart from the copy I found at Jerry’s shop, the only two copies I saw were in Giancarlo Lui’s collection and in Penthouse’s collection.
So I assume that this was never released to the general public. |

This is the British edition from May 1979, without any illustrations.
Penthouse is mentioned only in small print on the copyright page, and nowhere else. |

It must have been around the time of the British release (end of October 1980)
that this new edition came out, with color photos.
Youll notice that this has the same ISBN as the earlier edition. Why? |

I did not know until recently that there was a Japanese translation of this book.
It was probably issued at about the time of the Japanese release, 21 November 1980.
(Tokyō: Fujimi Shobō, Shōwa 55, 1980.)
Actually, I discovered later that there were TWO Japanese editions.
The above, with the red cover, was the “men’s” edition.
There was a slightly smaller edition, with a blue cover, which was the “women’s” edition. |

Translated by J.J. Álvares Flores and Ángela Pérez.
The Barcelona/México/Buenos Aires copyright date is given as 1981.
Look at that back cover.
Gore’s regular Latin-American publisher was Grijalbo.
He should have canceled his Grijalbo contract and sued — but he never knew about this. |

Grijalbo reissued the book on cheaper paper sometime later.
The copyright page is identical to the previous edition, with the same ISBN. Why?
This new edition was not printed from the original film sheets,
but from new mechanicals shot from the original edition.
The cover design indicates that the BBC TV series I, Claudius
must have gained popularity in México by this time. |

There was also a Dutch translation
(translated by Marjan Hilverda, Amsterdam: Peter Van der Velden, 1980; ISBN 9789065210197 [hardback])... |

...as well as a German translation
(Caligula: Roman, translated by Alfred Dunkel, München: Heyne, 1980;
ISBN 3-453-50171-3 [paperback] and also ISBN 978-3-453-50171-3). |

The April 1980 US Penthouse is the special Caligula issue,
and its chock-full of images that had been deleted from the final film.
The Caligula sections were later issued in the UK Penthouse in January 1981
Some copies of the UK edition were mistakenly printed with a different cover,
featuring a Stan Malinowski photo of Corinne Alphen.
That error was quickly corrected.
The Caligula articles and pictorials were also issued
in the July 1980 German edition and the July 1980 Australian edition.
The Spanish edition from September 1980 was quite different and had photos Ive never seen elsewhere.
Guccione had signed an out-of-court settlement a year earlier
promising not to mention Gore Vidal in any connection with Caligula,
except to say, only in passing, that he had written an earlier screenplay on the topic.
Guccione completely violated that settlement agreement, repeatedly, in this issue.
Gore never sued because he never knew.
I can hear lawyers around the globe triumphantly shouting among themselves,
Precedent!!! Precedent!!! Precedent!!! |

This was issued in France, though we dont know when.
It was called Serie-Rouge N°92 Caligula
and apart from the illustration on the front cover, it has absolutely nothing to do with the movie.

On or about 14 November 1980, Penthouse Records released this peculiar soundtrack LP,
which featured some but not all of the music in the movie, as well as one piece that never made it into the movie.
It was a two-disc set, and the first disc consisted only of one brief piece on each side.
Specifically, Side A was a rock piece derived from Khachaturians Spartacus
with lyrics penned by Toni Biggs (Bob Gucciones daughter) with vocals by Lydia Van Huston.
(Lydia used several different surnames. When I dig through my files I’ll collect them all and enumerate them here.)
Side B was similar, but it was a disco version.
This original soundtrack album was also issued on 8-track and cassette,
neither of which Ive ever seen.
There was also the 45rpm, consisting of the Biggs/Van Huston pieces,
and a slightly different edition of that 45rpm was issued to radio stations.
Until 2011 the two different 45rpms could easily be picked up from eBay for just $10 or so.
Not anymore. |

This souvenir brochure was, I suppose, issued together with the Japanese release,
21 November 1980. I guess. |

Assistant Director Piernico Solinas kept a diary during his Caligula gig, and after many drafts he turned that diary into a book.
(And no, Louis Rossetto of Wired fame did not coauthor it; he merely copy-edited a few sections.)
Almost every time this book delivers a juicy piece of information that helps to make sense of otherwise senseless data,
I discover that it just doesnt hold up.
I have enough evidence in my massive collection to prove a number of passages in Ultimate Porno wrong:
Proculus left dangling 10 meters in the air during a strike vote? Never happened.
The aforementioned strike in October 1976? Never happened.
Franco Rossellinis letter to Il Tempo in response to the strike? Never happened.
The book tells its tale chronologically, and yet the sequence of events is almost all wrong.
Those are just a few examples. There are more.
Yet its certainly an entertaining read. No doubt about it.
Yes, I do admit that there are a few important, invaluable passages here and there that bear the unmistakable stamp of authenticity.
For those few passages I am infinitely grateful.
I would pay to read Solinass original manuscript.
Better yet, I would like to read his original diary!
Until just a couple of years ago, copies of Ultimate Porno were easily available on the used market for around $20 or $25.
Then suddenly, overnight, sometime around 2009, everybody jacked up the prices to between about $80 and $300.
This is insanity.
I hope that not a single copy of the book ever sold for more than $25,
and that any copy with a higher price tag has been collecting dust and will continue to do so.
(There was supposedly a trade-paperback edition of this book ISBN 0-938112-01-5
but Ive never run across a copy.) |

This was issued sometime between mid-October 1981 and December 1981,
to tie in with the US release of the R version, and also to settle some old scores.
Even with this guide in hand, I was unable to identify some of these gals in the movie
and had to rely on my colleagues James Ellis Chaffin and Tom Ryerson to figure it all out for me.
They seem to be able to recognize faces in various states of extreme make-up quite easily.
Im absolutely lost.
They inform me that one of the gals herein, Helen Lang, was never in the movie.

Then theres this oddball paperback available only in Argentina, and which no seller will ship outside the borders.
By means of some sort of supernatural abilities, a Belgian friend was able to round up a copy for me,
which arrived on Wednesday, 7 November 2012.
At long last I have this tiny, tiny, tiny little book in my hands.
And it is tiny, 4¼" × 6¾", 189 pages plus advertisements.
The book was originally copyrighted by its New York City author Stuart Green in 1980 under its original title, Gaius Caligula Caesar,
but remained unpublished until this Castilian translation in 1985, copyrighted by RR Ediciones S.r.l. in Buenos Aires.
Though Ive been surrounded by Spanish speakers more than half my life, I never learned the language.
Nonetheless, I can gather a little bit, and so I thumbed through this little novel and it seems to bear no resemblance whatsoever to the movie.
This was just another novel about the guy.
So why was it published with two stills from the film on the covers?
Well, the movie Caligula was first shown in Argentina in late February 1985.
RR Ediciones at that time had the rights to the Castilian translation of Stuart Greens novel Calígula.
Why not jump onto the bandwagon?
All RR Ediciones needed to do was license two stills from the movie, probably from a third party, slap them onto the covers,
et voilà!, a movie tie-in!
Thats all there was to it, Im sure.
Stuart Green remains a bit of a mystery.
Abe Books, Amazon, and WorldCat reveal several authors with similar names, but not this particular Stuart Green.
And yet he has been published, for the final page of this Calígula book is an advertisement for his subsequent book,
Memorias de una Masajista
(Memoirs of a Masseuse).
RR Ediciones published the Castilian translation of this as well.
According to the advertisement, this no-sales-to-under-18’s novel is about small-town Arkansan Sally,
named the most beautiful girl in high school(???), who travels to NYC for university studies.
Life there is hard, and so to make ends meet she moonlights as a high-class hooker. How original.
The ad includes quotes from reviews.
Playmen of Italy wrote: The most voluptuous revelations of a high-class hooker.
Sexual Knowledge, which I presume is a scholarly journal from a university press, wrote: Hotter than a porno flick.
Gentlemans Companion, a NYC magazine, wrote: Sallys memoirs are pure dynamite.
So we know that Stuart Green was based in NYC.
We know that he wrote at least two English-language novels.
We know that the second of those two novels was reviewed in a NYC magazine, as well as an Italian magazine and some other sort of skin mag.
We know that both those novels were published in Argentina in Castilian translation.
Yet thats the sum total of my knowledge.
Who is Stuart Green? Does anybody have any information?
If so, please write to me. Thanks!

Of course, it only follows that there would be a Stuart Green Imperial Edition, yes?
I just got a lead from a reader in Australia, whose first name I’m sure you can guess.
Philip Harper, Author, Jonathan Neumann, With, Stuart Green, Simon & Schuster $19.50 (0p) ISBN 978-0-671-72328-6
Harper is the nom de plume of a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a criminal psychologist,
joint authors of this sometimes titillating, oftentimes sadistic debut thriller....
¿Curious, que no? Well, that led me to one further Google search, and I found this:

A Brazilian 2nd edition of the novelization, with a title that violated Penthouses settlement with Vidal.
No idea what the 1st edition looked like.
If you have a Brazilian edition for sale, it would be nice if youd sell it to me.

The settlement agreement with Gore Vidal put an end to the plans for releasing Giancarlo Luis promotional film.
Well, like I said, there were loopholes in that settlement agreement.
A 10-minute knock-down of Luis film was issued on VHS in the UK in February 1988
as a segment in the ongoing series of Penthouse homevideo programs.
Gore never knew about it, and since he didnt file charges, it was released in the US almost a year later, in January 1989,
on Betamax and VHS and (I think) on laserdisc. (Later, in July 2001, it was finally issued on DVD.)
When Gore still failed to file suit (because he never learned about it),
that paved the way beginning in 1999 for the release of longer and longer versions on DVD.
In legalese thats called precedent.
I despise the law.
But, on the other hand, Im glad I got to see this.
Now I want to see the original version, which has never been released anywhere.
Until 2010 this cruddy On the Wild Side video was available through eBay and other second-hand vendors for around $20.
Now suddenly its going for $90.
Please, for the sake of your dignity, do NOT pay more than about $20 for this miserable rot. Please. Thanks.
If you want to see the 10-minute documentary,
you can see it on the supplementary disc of the Imperial Edition box set.

The latest is this very strange little book, released on 18 November 2008, by Professor William Hawes.
He couldnt have spent more than a few days on research.
Much of his book has nothing to do with Caligula, and most of what it does say about Caligula is wrong.
This book seems to have the blessings of Penthouse.
This was apparently written as part of the publish-or-perish program.
There have been only three reviews to my knowledge.
One was not so much a review as a puff-piece interview:
Mauricio Barragan,
Professor explores Caligula,
The Daily Cougar (University of Houston student newspaper), 30 March 2009.
It elicited no comments.
The other review is exceedingly brief, by an Amazon customer who goes by the alias Robprince,
and you can find it here.
Finally there is Brett Taylors review in Video Watchdog no 159 (November/December 2010), which I have not read.
Considering the ebullient praises of the film in Hawess book, the following news item comes as a bit of a surprise: